MY ALOPECIA Story. Halox Lotion for alopecia.

MY ALOPECIA Story Very last video clip: Subscribe: Headscarf tutorial: http://little Wedding ceremony vlog:…
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  1. Abyy Snookey

    THIS IS AMAZING ..NOT EVEN 1 thumbs down!!!!

  2. BallzMaui

    Thanks for sharing! A few days ago I shaved my head because my hair was
    getting to long and the summer heat was getting to me. When I was done I
    looked in the mirror and noticed a bald spot on the top of my head. I
    wasn’t to worries at the time for I thought I just made a mistake while
    shaving my head until I felt how smooth and saw how shinny it was. Then all
    these thought went running through my head. I haven’t gone to the doctors
    yet. Just some research on it. Aloha from Maui, Hawaii! 

  3. 1Girlsk8er

    I have alopecia on the sides of my head. It’s really difficult to style my
    hair so I leave it down every day. & I definitely can relate to when the
    wind is blowing & you cover the spot back up fast. My mom & I never went to
    a hair specialist to get ointment but now I’m going to try it. I’m sick of
    not being able to style my hair different. Thank you for sharing. I felt
    like I was the only person with alopecia. 

  4. Marcelo dos Santos

    Wow. Nice story and so interesting how you tell it. By the way congrats on
    the marriage!

  5. Michelle Stars

    Great video! I also suffer from alopecia in my nape area (bac of my head) 4
    ova 15yrs, n my Derm also prescribed me a liquid 2 rub on the spot it’s
    also a 0.5%, wht is the name of the liquid tht your Derm prescribed 2 u in
    this video, I wud def like 2 try tht 1 tht u used out thnks!!!!!!!!!

  6. Do you know if someone who hasn’t got Alopecia but have a very weak hair
    can use that product? I can see there are places on my head that are
    missing some hair…don’t look like patches though. I love your look but
    shaving doesn’t suit everyone, it definitely suits you. I would love to cut
    them very short but I think people with not many and thin hair don’t look
    good in short haircuts (like a wet chicken who just had a bath) Anyways,
    congratulations for your wedding!:) (bit late but I’ve just discovered your

  7. Martin Stübs

    My wife had Alopecia in a small way once and did nothing about it. After a
    short while it just went away. My guess is that the ointment you used had
    no effect either way.

  8. Sophie Laurenti

    Thank you for sharing your story. Hair loss no matter how serious can be
    devastating for a person. 

  9. formgeben

    Emily, I’ve just seen this video – that girl struggels with alopecia and is
    amazing glückl-ICH!
    Maybe you like it :)

  10. Paola Tobias

    I was recently diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia (female pattern hair
    loss). I was devastated when I heard my dermatologist tell me that b/c at
    24 you don’t imagine that happening to you especially when all the women in
    your family do not suffer from this. Although it is progressive and
    gradual, it is painful to watch. That is actually how I stumbled upon your
    channel. I wanted to find inspiration from women who have shaved their
    head. Although everyone I have confided in say it is way too soon to shave
    my head, I know I will eventually do it. Like you said, it comes down to
    having some control over an unfortunate situation. The unknown is
    frightening. I will not be that woman holding on to five strands of hair. I
    take solace and comfort in knowing that women can still look beautiful w/o
    hair. Thanks for sharing your story! It resonated with me very deeply. 

  11. anirudh bora

    3 years ago the doctor gave me tugain,halox lotion and my hairs grew back
    but now they have again started falling..i am just so sad

  12. FrkFiolin

    I have had an bold sport twice, 20 years ago… and now I got one again.
    The hair have grown back pretty fast every time to, so I have never been to
    the doctor. I hope it grows back this time to. :S But.. I wonder why I need
    to go to the doctor.. Can he do anything?? 

  13. Jerry Pérez

    your story its almost like mine, i got that little hole on top of my head,
    i was very scare and i cry also jejeje, i went to the doctor and i spend a
    lot of money, that heir was back again and 6 moth later that, i had 3 holes
    more jajaja, i was (OMG jajaja WTF why this happening to me?) now i dont
    care i i’m not going to the doctor again knowing hat hair can back
    lonely… i using by myself vitamins B, B6 and B12 and PILEXIL in my head,
    maybe that can help a little. i will shabe my head this week, my roommates
    will do the same just for help. thanks for your video, i hope some day some
    one can give us the cure!!!!! kissess :* :* :*

  14. abhishek malla

    Thanks Emily for your motivation. i’m going to my GP tomorrow.
    Furthermore, you’ve got beautiful eyes.. :)))))True Shit!!
