Is there a birth manage capsule that does NOT cause hair loss?

Issue by KaTT: Is there a birth control pill that does NOT trigger hair reduction?
I’ve been on Yaz for in excess of a calendar year and have been experiencing hair decline to the excessive. I am only sixteen and consider it for hellish cramps and pms and zits. I don’t want to be bald by the time I am seventeen!

Greatest solution:

Solution by amy <3
i have actually in no way seen a start control that brings about hair loss. i take the exact same delivery manage and i have a complete head of hair. every point is dependent on the individual every single human body requires things in a different way. i say you end with the pill and just get midol for your cramps see a medical doctor ASAP

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  1. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

    My dad had been suffering from hair loss and only recently he started to see a huge difference with his hair (lots of fine hair growing out especially at the temple area) after trying out the various natural techniques taught to grow hair for 1 week at this website

    I must say its a very informative, effective and easy to follow step-by-step guide. I highly recommend it to anyone who is suffering from hair loss.

    And i assure you that you won’t find this natural hair growing techniques on the internet.

    Hope it helps ! =)


    Side Effects Of Common Drugs For Hair Loss Treatment :

    Minoxidil : Cause a fall in blood pressure, an increase in the heart rate, and weight gain (fluid retention)

    Propecia : May cause birth defects in male baby’s sex organs if taken by women. Also, potentially irreversible side effects occurring in the group of people taking the drug are erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorder (decreased volume of ejaculate) and low libido.

  2. Try to go on the site below, maybe you’ll find the answers you need.


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