1. victor martins

    if she looks that hot at…i dont even know how old…
    imagine her when she was younger…wow

  2. samita pey

    She looks so graceful and is so beautiful 

  3. Dumble Pops

    Usually, I’m very opposed to sob stories on this show, but I feel like this
    wasn’t a sob story at all. Cancer was actually something that interfered
    with her dream, so she had a need to bring it up. What I liked better was
    she didn’t start talking about her illness out of the blue, she was
    hesitant about it, she definitely wasn’t saying it just for votes. A
    particular sob story I hated was Jonathan Allen from last season, he
    brought his story up in every f*cking interview, it was so annoying.

  4. Eduardo Saldana

    This is the same stuff I see for every aerial act and it’s not even

  5. LittleMissSteeberry

    Omg!cthat’s a hair piece? You look incredible! Wow

  6. Frankie Dewing

    Stunning……..love it….you are beautiful

  7. Melani Padilla

    I have Alopecia too. Im in 7th grade and i have been dealing with it since
    when i was 2 years old and it was very hard overcoming it but i have come
    to a point in my life thinking that if i didnt have alopecia i wouldnt be
    me and im glad i have it so i can teach people that they are beautiful and
    they can overcome it just how i did and i have amazing friend that love me
    and inspire me to keep my head up and theyy treat me like every other kid
    😀 . Thank you so much you have just so inspired me sooo much thank you
    😀 you did An amazing job .!

  8. Fernanda Ronchi

    Laura você é demais!! Sou sua fã desde a primeira vez que assisti sua
    performance “Tango in the Air”. Pratico acrobacia no tecido (aerial silk) a
    3 anos e você é minha ídala!! Congratulations!! I love you and your
    performances on aerial silk!! 

  9. simpsons479

    I also do aerial silks and have alopecia…thanks for being an inspiration
    and advocate!

  10. Sara Aziz

    Aww this was really beautiful loved it

  11. FireStriker

    I enjoyed it really much. Good luck for the rest of the competition !

  12. bounqueekiee

    Now that’s beautiful 3 seen beneath your beautiful ur all perfect

  13. WatchClashTV - Clash Of Clans

    I hate how they fucking skip the whole act…. Take out the stupid intro
    and ending commercializing of your channel and play the whole audition…

  14. Sophia Gabrielle

    Awe I love her what a sweet heart and so gracefull loved it 

  15. Lorissa Louison

    God bless her she is strong brave and BEAUTIFUL

  16. BeyondAshlynBeauty

    That was beautiful and so inspiring.

  17. Ivan Cortes

    She is so beautiful and the performance is so good, I love it!
