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Can the antibiotic minocycline lead to hair loss?

Question by dabearz32: Can the antibiotic minocycline cause hair decline? I have been employing it above nine months and have experienced instead quick loss. I was just wondering if it is known to do so at all. And If I cease utilizing it will it grow back again. Thanks I am only 21 if that helps. Any suggestions would be appreciated Daid Exactly where have you listened to of this leading to hair decline. Many thanks Also how lengthy do u think it will get? Very best answer: Reply by Zack■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ My father had been struggling from hair loss and only recently he started out to see a enormous distinction with his hair (tons of fantastic hair expanding out specifically at the temple region) soon after making an attempt out the numerous all-natural tactics taught to grow hair for one week at this internet site I need to say…
