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Is this traction alopecia? Will the hair grow again? (Image Included)?

Question by JustMeā™„: Is this traction alopecia? Will the hair increase back? (Photo Provided)? I don’t know if this is traction alopecia. I presume it is due to the fact I used to get very tight hair styles. Um, I know traction alopecia can be permanent. I’m frightened that this is long lasting. If you can see black dots on your scalp, is it an indicator that there is even now a hair follicle there? Somebody, please assist and tell me from searching at this pic if you feel the hair will increase back or not. The hair decline is in the heart of my scalp. Sorry if the pic is poor good quality. Best reply: Answer by jethroPricey JustMe The picture top quality is in fact poor. However, I strongly suggest you to see a skin doctor who is knowledgable about hair and scalp troubles. I suspect you…
