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Tagemet for Alopecia ?

Question by ♪ghetto momma bear ♪: Tagemet for Alopecia ? I’ve had Alopecia Areata for about 4 years now. So far I’ve been on various topical creams, the injections that hurt like hell, and currently I’m getting squaric acid. My doctor mentioned something about tagemet but he really didn’t have much info on it.(So I said no to it; My mom wants more info on it before I use it; I’m 16) So my question is, does ANYONE know anything about it when it comes to Alopecia? Are you currently on it for your condition? Are you a doctor who recommended it? I googled it and really, nothing came up. All help is appreciated. Thank you 🙂 Micksmixx – Yeah, I’m sure that’s what it’s called – that’s why we’re skeptical. I don’t remember what he said for sure, but there were studies done and he said a chunk of…
