What can i do for my hair to cease falling out?

Query by rOxIe!!: What can i do for my hair to stop falling out?
My scalp itches and it burns and when my hair moves from 1 facet to the other…. Ouch it hurts!!!!!!!! Im only 21 and i am a female…. my hair is mainly falling from the top and front part. Im truly pressured out and dont come to feel eye-catching….. lead to of that!!!!!!!!!! any ideas???

Very best response:

Reply by barbie.girl106
tension tends to make hair slide out
and so does harmful eating

make sure to relax.take natural vitamins.eat healthy.and consume plenty of water 🙂

Know greater? Leave your very own solution in the comments!


  1. stress for me made my hair fell out too. lots of it. what i did was i checked my diet (i lacked iron) and used aloe vera on to my hair. exercise too. it helps, now my hair has come back.

  2. trees75094

    Get yourself a checkup at the doctor’s. It could be stress, your thyroid, or a number of things. Chances are it’s treatable. Make an appointment right away. Don’t wait until you lose more hair.

  3. xToniMae01x

    Stress Can Cause Your Hair To Falll Out. I Learned That The Hard Way.
    Take A Mulitvitmain. Or You Could Google It. Or Call Your DoctorS And See What They Think About It. Most Likely It Will Go Away On Its Own.

  4. Well, stress can cause hair loss, for sure. I would find a doctor who specializes in hair loss. In the meantime, it wouldn’t hurt to use some DR MIRACLE. It is a full line of formulated hair products, specific to hair loss and restoration. You can find it at a beauty supply, or even Target and Walmart.

  5. cathy_white27

    First, get to your Doctor and have your thyroid checked.

    Second, if you have allot of stressors, that can cause it also.

    Third, if you have a rash of any sort and because of the burning it may be a skin disorder. You may need to see a Dermatologist. May be psoriasis.

    See your doctor, this is not the place for the final answer to your problem.
