whats the greatest way to get rid of hairs permanantly other then laser treatment( too costy) , for male of age of 19?

Query by Girls Gentleman: whats the greatest way to get rid of hairs permanantly other then laser treatment method( way too costy) , for male of age of 19?
this is male/19. i am experiencing a dilemma relating to my hairs, i have so a lot hairs on my physique, almost everywhere so large in amount. i cant find the money for laser treatment method due to the fact thats way too costy. i use hair removing product but hairs are expanding far more thicker. i am so anxious about it. if any one amongst u know its low-cost and permanant remedy, make sure you let me know

Very best answer:

Solution by clbbarlow
Watch THIS Video

http://www.howcast.com/video clips/176434-How-To-Make-Halaweh-All-natural-Hair-Remover

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